Tuesday, January 4, 2011


12:06 PM 1/4/2011 - I've been working on this hibiscus baby blanket since, um..., about the 24th of October. You can see my notes for it located on my project's page at Ravelry. I had a beautiful backing selected and prepared. Somehow during the preparation the backing ended up smaller than the blanket. ARGH! It was perfect! On December 31st, I picked up more fabric but not the one I had previously chosen. The bolt did not have enough left! And 'cut/paste' was out of the question. I am considering quilting but NOT YET! I preshrunk the replacement fabric and checked it for fit. It was extremely close! I bought 1-1/4 yards and the blanket is 38". The fabric shrunk so much that it nearly failed to be large enough as well. For the last two days, I have been hand-stitching the backing onto the blanket, gently cajoling the stitches to fit without puckering too badly. Today, I was able to show the in-progress blanket to the prospective parents and, despite my trials, they are thrilled with it. So, effort not wasted.
Took a break and continued with "A Good, Plain Sock" (which had been started on the 31st of December when I needed a break from working on the blanket) using the Yarn Harlot's recipe on page 131 from Knitting Rules!. But, I'm knitting it toe-up and using a short-row heel instead of a flap (I forgot to calculate my starting point for the flap and opted not to rip back the necessary rows, live and learn.)
Later in the day on 1/3: Well, I put the socks down and finished the blanket. I spent the rest of the day working on the socks. I have most of the foot done. I'm sure I will be turning the heel tomorrow (1/4).
Today (1/4), I was going to snap a shot when I found my camera dead. I think the battery is beginning to fade. I don't even get 'Low Battery' warnings any more. Once I get the photos done, the blanket will be boxed up and shipped to its' new home. I'll add it later.
I also need to mail off a fat quarter. I lost the monthly weight loss challenge. I'm still playing even though I know my chances of winning are slim to none. I'm still losing weight, just not a lot in a short time. In the meantime I'm using the challenge as a way to build my growing stash of fabric for quilting. If I ever win, it will be a windfall of FQs!

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